The Way of the Future

The Way of the Future
We are the 21st Century Teachers

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Say "Digital Literacy!"

Becoming digitally literate is something new to the role of teachers, librarians, and administrators in the 21st century. This is something that twenty years ago they didn't have to worry about. Now, with increasing technology, along with its wide-span use, all of the above people need to be aware, and on their toes when using technology in the schools.

When teaching students how to use the internet appropriately there are many ideas to stress. The one youtube clip did a great job showing that students need to keep a few key things in mind:

1. Be a skeptic (really look into the site and don't believe the first thing you read-anyone can put anything online)
2. Whats the source? Who published it? Are they reputable?
3. Compare your information with at least 3 other sources and see what you come up with.
4. Dont steal from the internet-cite you sources when borrowing information
5. AND THIS IS A BIG ONE*** what you do/say online is what you would do/say offline as well. (don't let the computer make you something you aren't.)

Not only should k-12 teachers teach these skills, but I think college professors should as well. College students primarily use the internet for research, and they need to be aware of what is out there as well. Be smart about it!

Cyberbullying is another topic I wanted to talk about. Bullying in schools is bad enough, but what about the bullies that pop up on the internet. Many kids may gain quite the "confidence" to bully people when they are behind their computer screen. Either way it doesn't make it right. Teachers AND parents need to talk about this with their kids so they are aware!

Lastly, AUP forms are becoming essential in schools. As I spoke about in my last blog, the school I work in requires these forms for students and staff before even allowing them to turn a computer on. Students and staff need to know their rights, as well as the importance of these types of agreements. Knowledge is key.

The internet is an excellent and priceless tool to have, but we all need to know how to use it properly, as with anything in this world. Stay safe WWW!


  1. Hey Pam,
    You brought up a good point when you mentioned Cyber Bullying. When I was completing one of my student teaching placements in the 5th grade, a group of children decided to make a Facebook page aimed at making fun of one of the other girls in class. These kinds of things happen all the time, and it is our job as educators to inform our students of the consequences of participating in something so hurtful. It is very good that your school requires AUP forms as well. So many schools still do not have these forms and their students are left unaware of appropriate ways to use computers and the internet. As you stated, the internet is an excellent teaching tool, yet we need to ensure that our students know how to use it safely.

  2. Pam,
    I find it fascinating and intriguing how technology and teaching have changed in the past twenty years. It is imperative today, that we teach our students how to navigate through an increasingly digital world and how to recognize and evaluate appropriate content that they will find on the Internet. We have been exposed to many topics and applications throught his course that will achieve this goal.
