The Way of the Future

The Way of the Future
We are the 21st Century Teachers

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Building the blocks of Literacy

The terms computer literacy, information literacy, and integration literacy may sound like they all mean the same thing but they dont…. not in 2010 they dont. After researching and learning for the past two weeks I have come to know their differences. Computer literacy is knowledge and understanding of computers and its use….pretty basic. However, information literacy is when you use a computer to find, use, analyze, organize, gather from multiple sources etc. to gain a plethora of information. Integration literacy is when we put everything together in our melting pot. Integration literacy is when we use computers and technology combined with our effective teaching to enhance student learning throughout our classrooms.

All three of these components go together to form our "building blocks of literacy". This is very important as we start to enter classrooms in 2010 and beyond. We are going to see more and more use of technology as we move forward when teaching children. We as educators NEED to stay on top of all of the technology that is out there to make sure we are staying current with our teaching. Teaching is ALWAYS about learning, not only for our students but ourselves! As we continue on into the 21st century there are many changes we will need to look to and embrace as efficient teachers. Using all available resources is a must! We need to take the 21st century and its technology by the horns and not let go…not as long as we want to be the teachers our children need us to be.

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