The Way of the Future

The Way of the Future
We are the 21st Century Teachers

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

General Methods- a CLEAN slate

Well again I find myself blogging, something that I am slowly getting used to-but I'm getting there! This is now my second class with Dr. S and again I find myself diving head first into the pool of endless technology!

This is my second to last semester here at the Mount and cant believe how fast time has gone by. I have learned so much in the past few semesters and I KNOW I will learn a HUGE amount from Dr. S in general methods. Dr. S has a gigantic variety of knowledge (especially about technology) that I know I will obtain from this class. I have to admit, using all this technology is still overwhelming but I think I will hold on enough to make it through!

With that being said lets all take a deep breath because its going to be a crazy ride! Happy new semester everyone!!!!

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